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Brake Testing Unit Coating

Malta Public Transport is the national bus operator responsible for public buses across the Maltese islands. Their buses travel 30 million kilometres every year, and their fleet is over 400 strong, all of which require constant maintenance, servicing and repairs.

Understandably, their brake testing units are in constant use, and the manufacturers’ coating on the break testing rollers started to crack and flake off, rendering the whole unit unfit for use.

Without the use of their brake testing units, their timeline of servicing and maintenance was disrupted. The Professionals at PAXCON wanted to test if PAXCON could be a solution, and without a solution, Malta Public Transport had only one choice: to replace all units.

Does PAXCON Have A Solution?

Yes, the PAXCON professions in Malta detached a roller from a defunct unit removed the remaining concrete-like coating from the steel roller, and sent it for sandblasting. Once the roller was completely clean PAXCON XPM Primer was applied directly to the steel.

Next, the PAXCON team applied PAXCON XS-350, a pure polyurea coating perfect for extreme impact and insensitive to water, qualities that are vital for this purpose. It was finished with a coating that would normally be considered over-textured, to withstand the hard wear and create a better grip for the buses. The result was a clean, uniform surface that could be delivered to the client for testing.

Impressive Results

The PAXCON coating worked incredibly well in testing and beyond. PAXCON proved to be a fantastic, cost-effective, durable solution, and the enhanced texture ensured the brake testing units returned to full working order and would withstand heavy use. Malta Public Transport was extremely pleased – they no longer had to replace every unit and PAXCON went on to recoat all of their units.

To date, there have been no failures reported, and PAXCON can now say their products can even stop a bus!

To find out more about our coating solutions for manufacturers, use our contact form.

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