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How To Protect Steel Pallets From Battery Acid

Industrial-grade batteries are stored and transported on specialized steel pallets. Steel offers more durability and strength than typical wood or plastic pallets. As a material, steel is better suited to store flammable liquids – it won’t melt or burn in the case of a fire – and boasts a high load rating. However, if a battery becomes damaged during transport, it could potentially leak battery acid. Battery acid contains sulfuric acid, which is highly corrosive and causes significant damage to the steel pallet.

Battery acid leakage is a common issue within the mining sector. In Rustenburg, South Africa, the mining industry required a solution to prevent the steel pallets from corrosive damage caused by battery acid.

The Solution to protect the steel from battery acid

Engineers in the area tested multiple coatings and alternative substrates to find a solution to prevent corrosion. After many trials, the team selected a fast-set polyurethane coating by PAXCON called SE-500 as the most suitable option for protecting the battery pallets. PAXCON SE-500 has excellent resistance to harsh chemicals, perfect for protecting steel substrates affected by chemical leakages and spillages.

The steel components are prepared and primed before the SE-500 application. Great care is taken within the preparation stages to ensure a successful, long-lasting solution.

Once PAXCON applicators prime the steel components, SE-500 is applied within the designated time window to achieve maximum adhesion.

PAXCON coating systems have a rapid tack-free time of 8-10 seconds, increasing production times and allowing a fast return to service for existing battery pallets. 

Result of line-x se-500

The coating of steel battery pallets with SE-500 has been ongoing for several years without any issues of corrosion. The mining industry in Rustenburg, South Africa, continues to utilise PAXCON SE-500 for protecting metal assets from potential chemical corrosion, extending their service
life significantly.

Case study provided by: PAXCON Rustenburg, South Africa

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