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Medical Clinic Trim Protection by PAXCON

One of the largest private medical clinics in Northern Greece was experiencing severe problems with the door and wall trim in their clinic. The door jambs and wall trims were deteriorating quickly, unable to withstand the constant scratching and damage caused by medical trolleys used to transport medicines and medical equipment between wards.
The trim was deeply scratched and beginning to rust, leaving the corridors looking run-down and unprofessional. They required near-constant maintenance, and they frequently had to close down whole wards to repaint the trim and doors; costing them time and money each time.

The client turned to PAXCON so they could have a permanent, durable and aesthetically pleasing solution that wouldn’t require constant upkeep.

The Application Process:

PAXCON professionals first masked the walls and floor around the trim, then got to work sanding the trims and jambs to provide a keyed surface. Once that was complete, PAXCON XPM Primer was applied, which ensures an excellent adhesion with metal.

A mobile ventilation system was used to allow each door to remain closed during the PAXCON application without letting the over-spray and smell escape to other areas of the clinic. The selected product was PAXCON XS-100, a polyurethane and polyurea formulation, in a beautiful dark blue shade. Finally, the PAXCON professionals applied PAXCON Premium, a UV stable top coat to ensure the trims would retain their colour.


The Final Result:

The result is a refreshed-looking ward lined with beautiful dark blue door jambs and matching trim that will withstand the hard-wearing nature of a clinic. The PAXCON coating will not chip or flake by the knocks and scrapes of metal medical trollies or any other abrasions.

The wards will no longer have to be emptied and closed for maintenance; the staff at the clinic were extremely pleased with the result, both in how the ward looked and that they will no longer have to waste time and money.
The client is now investigating what else they could have protected with PAXCON.


Project Overview: Durable coating for metal door trims and jambs

Products Used: PAXCON XS-100; PAXCON Premium; XPM Primer

Case Study Provided by: Perfect Kustoms (Greece)

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